Thursday, January 24, 2008

What Americans Really Vote For

This cartoonist is attemtping to depict the attitude of most Americans towards the presidential election. The woman could obviously care less about voting; the only voting she will be doing is for American Idol. I think this is a very good portrayal of how the importance of media has surpassed the importance of our government. The cartoonist strategically places the cell phone in the woman's hand to support the point that he's trying to make. That is, people care more about their TV shows than who will be running this country. The cartoonist is making a very bold statement, but in my opinion, a rather accurate one as well. The contrast in the characters' facial expressions also reflects where their values in life are. The man looks all giddy and excited because he gets a chance to make a difference in who will be elected. The woman, on the other hand, has an almost annoyed look to her. It seems that she would rather be talking to her friend on the phone about the latest episode of "The Desperate Housewives" than conversing with this young man about who who will become president.

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